Data & Donuts: Tabular Data In Spreadsheets with OpenRefine & Python

Event Status
Data and Donuts

In this hybrid workshop, participants will learn best practices for working with spreadsheet data. The session will showcase how researchers can use tools like OpenRefine and Python scripts to manage tabular data effectively. Please download and install OpenRefine prior to the workshop. OpenRefine runs in a browser. It works best with Chrome, Firefox, or Safari.

Oh, and did we mention free donuts? 🍩

Whether you're joining us in person or virtually, please register for this session at:

Presenters: Meryl Brodsky and Michael Shensky
Location: Perry-Castañeda Library, Scholars Lab Data Lab

Data and Donuts Fall 2024


Date and Time
Sept. 13, 2024, noon to 1 p.m.
Perry-Castañeda Library
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