The Libraries are pleased to announce the reopening of the McKinney Engineering Library in the beautiful new Engineering Education and Research Center (EER).
The McKinney Library was previously housed in the Ernest J. Cockrell (EJC) building, which closed for the construction of the EERC in 2013. During that time, Engineering Library resources and staff have resided at the Perry-Castañeda Library to continue serving students, faculty and researchers of the Cockrell School of Engineering.
The former space in EJC was opened in 1974, so the construction of a new library provided the Libraries an opportunity to consider how best to serve modern users. Collections have been carefully curated to make the most of the new space for individual and collaborative study and to provide adequate space for updated technologies and furniture. Despite a slightly smaller footprint, the extensive physical collections of the library will still be available to users through the Libraries catalog via retrieval from library storage facilities.
For complete information, visit the McKinney Engineering Library location page.